Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When the nation sighed..........

We have seen him playing on his grandmother's lap,watched him growing up and have shed tears, when he lit his father's pyre. Most of us have a little soft corner, somewhere in our hearts, for this soft spoken, Second in command of the biggest political party in India.And as years passed into decades, new leaders emerged signifying the changing scenario,but somewhere deep down we all waited for this soft spoken boy to grow up and take up the mantle of the largest democracy in the world.

 Life does not have fairy tale or Bollywood endings. Yes he grew up but got lost somewhere in the power crazy ,manipulative world of Indian politics. Who can blame him? His father had no wish to join politics but was thrust into it when his mother was assassinated. Similarly Rahul Gandhi worked with a London based management firm before establishing a Mumbai based Technology Outsourcing firm for which he was the Director. But veteran party workers demanded that he play a more active role in the party politics and National government. So he contested for elections from Amethi, his father's former constituency.This was the time when Congress was losing in UttarPradesh. He won capturing back the family's stronghold.This promised great future for him.The party was jubilant.He was appointed as the Chairperson of the Indian Youth Congress and National Students Union of India. While India waited for him to evolve as an able leader, it expected  his grandmother's acumen and his father's charisma from him.

But time waits for none, and soon other regional leaders rose and started making national headlines. The congress which was taking itself for granted on the national front started getting panic attacks.They looked   for somebody to revive the sagging image of the party.Who better than this boy, now a man whom Indians would not dismiss as a power hungry politician. He had the right Pedigree and appeal to rouse an emotionally driven country .As he was thrust into the public attention and front page, Indians watched with growing dismay at the blunders and errors he was making on the public platform. In between this disillusionment and stronger whispers of his inability to take on the huge responsibility of this country,he was named the Prime Ministerial candidate by his party for the coming elections. Still India did not write him off.

The final straw came  with the television interview. Touted as the biggest interview of 2014, People waited with hope and apprehension for this interview. Hope because the public wanted  a little bit of honesty from him and apprehension because the famous TV host was known to make a mincemeat out of his guests. As the interview  proceeded nobody could understand what Rahul Gandhi was trying to say. He failed to make an impact and there was no relevance between the questions he was asked and the answers he gave. The social networking sites went ballistic with Rahul jokes. The media questioned his ability and the nation well...

The nation sighed without hope!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rahul Gandhi has not only disappointed all those who've seen him grown up as the next scion of the Gandhi family, but also the next generation which had hopes for him as a youth icon.
    The apple, perhaps, does fall far from the tree



Yakshagni - An odyssey of unbroken devotion - II