Thursday, May 18, 2023

Yakshagni - An odyssey of unbroken devotion - II

 22) Friends for Life

The party was arranged in the landscaped garden of Vasukinath's house and he had invited many of his business associates. The place was bustling with relatives, friends, and staff of their companies. Rashika looked stunning in an ivory gown, complementing Maurya's grey suit and cream shirt. She joined Maurya the moment he arrived.

Maurya, on his part, regarded the gathering with displeasure. He pondered why anyone would spend so much money and time on an event that was merely a formality preceding the wedding. It was such a wasted effort. While he mulled over the arrangements, Rashika preened as she and Maurya became the cynosure of all eyes. The gentle breeze wafting across the garden carried sighs of bliss, envy, and approval.

Maurya was having a pointless conversation with a distant relative of Rashika when he saw her enter with Tapan.

The breeze that drifted across the lawn, grew heavy with undercurrents. The steady but very gentle wind turned stiff, pausing for a moment, and then flitting across the crowded garden unsteadily. With a flagrant disregard for the prevailing harmony, it dispelled the air of complacency. The ripples of chaos that fluttered over the trees and grass scattered a few leaves from the array of their smug stance. The swirling gust of wind signalled the end of sprightly spring; in its place was a scorching and passionate summer ahead. The faint sting of brewing turbulence grated on the oasis of blitheness.

Maurya went still but strove hard to remain where he was, as a shutter came down his face. His gaze roved over her, taking note of her silky tresses, the shy awe on her face as her eyes skimmed over the gathering, the slender neck that balanced her exquisite face, and her mildly withdrawn demeanour.

The expanse of the greens between the spot where Maurya stood and the arched entry was considerably large, and yet, he took note of the way Tapan held her elbow in a casual manner. It tempted him to prise her out of Tapan's captivating charm. In the darkening twilight, Dharma’s sequined gown began to shimmer. Maurya's attention picked up the gasps of male appreciation around him. He recognized the mushrooming interest of his ilk that identified a quarry.

He bristled in indignation.


Dharma had seen such mansions and gardens only in the spread of glossy magazines. The guests milling around, flaunted designer outfits, exclusively branded accessories, and finely groomed figures. The garden was lit with a series of bulbs that lent a glow of lavishness to the surrounding. She searched for a glimpse of a familiar face but none fit the bill

Spotting known faces, Tapan led her to an assembled group of staff from Krishna Industries. Many of them darted curious looks at her and Tapan, silently questioning their equation. If Tapan observed the unspoken queries, he did not deem it necessary to respond, however, Dharma did discern that her arrival with Tapan had created a buzz in the circle. Tapan, in a long black tunic and white narrow trousers, drew steady attention. Dharma's glance roamed around the garden and locked itself on the striking couple who exuded an aura of gentility. Rashika and Maurya were attired in similar colour tones and they complemented each other with their contrasting personalities. She looked small and demure beside a tall and confident Maurya. Dharma's eyes unwillingly strayed to Maurya's face. The halo and mystique that surrounded Maurya normally intrigued her once again.

Dharma noted that the men and women around Maurya were hanging on to every word he spoke, even Rashika was listening to him with rapt attention. He encompassed his listeners in one glance, unwittingly relaying to a keen observer that he considered them a bunch of persons rather than an individual. A slightly lopsided smile remained on his face as the conversation came to an end. A couple of men withdrew while others stayed put, expressing their opinions.

Dharma awaited with bated breath for Maurya to turn his eyes on her. And to her delight, Maurya did toss a glance at her over the top of some, standing in front of him. His lack of surprise on sighting her indicated that he had already seen her.

The evening mellowed to a warmly luscious night. Like a soft whisper their gazes brushed, quickly skipping away, afraid of revealing too much. Nevertheless, they returned grudgingly, drawn by a puzzling compulsion. This time, they let their eyes linger on each other, an age-old comprehension leaping into their glances. His languid and hers judicious, their fleeting looks absorbed each other's presence with an undisguised intensity. While Maurya's eyes glided over her unhurriedly, Dharma's nerves sizzled under his scrutiny. Faced with the option of withdrawing herself into a shell like a shrinking violet or bravely withstand his visual exploration of her, Dharma chose the latter.

Doubtlessly, he presumed she enjoyed his inspection. The sudden frigidness that descended on his mien, swayed her self-assuredness and she shivered as Maurya's icy stare withdrew from her.

Shaken and confused, Dharma became aware of Tapan speaking to her. She hadn't realized that his arm had glided around her waist to draw her away from the trolley that was being wheeled towards the center stage. Tapan sought her opinion on something and she gave hers without any recollection of what she said later. A certain reluctance to prolong the misguided impression about her and Tapan urged her to move away.  Excusing herself, Dharma wandered towards the team from Index, who made their entry just then.

"Hi, you said you may not turn up?" Sonia quizzed. To everyone's surprise, Sonia had worn a sari and she looked very striking in it.

"Yeah, the event got cancelled. You look stunning Sonia," Dharma complimented, and a pleased Sonia returned the same, "And Dharma, you look gorgeous."

Smiling, Dharma, voluntarily, held back from displaying any kind of curiosity about Maurya or Rashika. She refused to let her gaze slide towards the couple. She reached for the glass of juice that a waiter offered.

Pooja teased, "Dharma, you were reluctant to come in the afternoon. Who changed your mind?"

"No one dear. I just thought I shouldn't disappoint Rashika."

"Right, but I know who..." Pooja insinuated, glancing at Tapan. Miffed, Dharma did not seem it fit to provide an answer.

Pooja then intimated with an air of hush-hush, "Here comes our diva...Lekha ma'am..."

Lekha wore a long flowing top over a pair of palazzos. Not paying much attention to Dharma, she greeted others. Sonia and Lekha embraced each other as if they were long-lost friends. They moved towards the centre of the garden where a small circular stage had been set up.

From the corner of her eyes, Dharma saw someone move towards her.

"Hey Dharma, nice to see you here," Akhil Sampath greeted.

"Hi, Akhil!"

"You look stunning. Black makes you look sharp," he extolled.

Dharma winced at his words, "Sharp?" she asked, forcing herself to be courteous.

"Yeah, you know, that needle-like beauty..."

"Ok, I got it," Dharma intervened before Akhil spouted more nonsense. She turned her face away and Pooja grinned naughtily at her. Sighing, Dharma ignored Akhil but he drew her attention by suggesting, "You know, I think you should move to Krishna Industries."

Frowning, Dharma asked, "Why would I move there?"

"Your talents are getting wasted in Index Fashion. In Krishna Industries, at least you will give competition to Tapan."

"Tapan is a senior and a very talented designer. I have no intention of being a competition to him."

"That is sweet of you but..."

"Look, Akhil, I know you mean well but can we drop the subject?"

"Sure! I..."

Vasukinath Krishna called everyone's attention as he spoke over the microphone on the stage. Dharma was thankful to him, for, she got a brief reprieve from Akhil's irksome company.

"Dear all, I am very grateful to you for being here to share our good news. As you know, my daughter Rashika is engaged to Maurya Anurag Verma, the chairman of Krishna Industries. I am happy to announce the date of their wedding..."

Dharma's ears blocked the rest of his words as she grappled with the truth of his announcement. Hearing it with such precision, Dharma realized the grim reality.

That Maurya was a forbidden fantasy that she had no right to dream of....

The sudden applause around her startled her from her preoccupation. Belatedly, she joined others in cheering the couple. A quietly smiling Maurya and a beaming Rashika stood in the center of the stage, accepting good wishes from the guests. Pooja clamped her fingers on Dharma's arm and pulled her towards the stage, "Come Dharma, everyone is wishing the couple."

Dharma balked from facing Maurya that close. She held back, "You go Pooja. I will follow you."

Pooja frowned, "But why?"

"I will go with her," Akhil piped.

With exasperation, Dharma bit out, "Don't you have anything else to do?"

Akhil sputtered awkwardly, "Dharma, I was being helpful..."

"We know how helpful you can be Akhil. Now, scoot," Tapan joined the tableau and Dharma heaved a sigh of disgruntlement.

Akhil scurried away at Tapan's pointed stare. With adoring glances, Pooja greeted him, "Hi, Tapan!"

"Hi, shall we say hello to the celebrity couple?" Tapan asked and Pooja giggled. Together, the three advanced towards the stage.

Dharma held on to her composure with much difficulty as she followed Tapan and Pooja. There was a queue of people who waited for their turn to wish the couple. Joining the line, Tapan chatted, making others in the row laugh at his sardonic humour. Dharma was the only one who wasn't amused much, for the reason that she hadn't listened to him. Her attention was focused on the looming interaction with Maurya and Rashika. When their turn came, Tapan was the first one to wish, Pooja scrambled to convey hers with Tapan. When Tapan stepped aside, to allow Dharma to come forward, Rashika drew herself to full height, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Dharma accorded a friendly smile at Rashika, "Congratulations and best wishes!"

Taking her offered hand, Rashika replied with smug vindication, "Thanks!"

Ignoring the worrying triggers of anxiety, Dharma flung her glance at Maurya, not aware that another three pairs of eyes followed her; Tapan's prying, Rashika's glacial and Pooja's interested.

"Congratulations!" Dharma uttered, maintaining her assumed detachedness.

Maurya nodded, not bothering to answer her. Tapan snapped a wisecrack, "So, is this the last announcement before the wedding or will there be another one to remind everyone of the wedding?"

Pooja laughed; Rashika grinned while Maurya threw daggers at him. Dharma paid scant attention to Tapan's words.

"So funny Tapan! But no, there will not be any more announcements. The wedding is set in motion. Now, it is only a question of getting through the waiting period," Rashika gushed, snaking her hand around Maurya's upper arm.

"How romantic! Since Maurya is someone who does not play the field much, it will be easy for you two to get through the period..." Tapan's reply elicited a much more cheerful smile from Rashika this time around. She shot an ecstatic look at Maurya, placing her head on his arm lovingly. Dharma looked away stiffly.

"Why don't you take the ladies for the buffet Tapan?" Maurya suggested brusquely.

"Sure, I will show Pooja the buffet but Dharma and I have other plans..." With a mysterious smile at Maurya and Rashika, he led Dharma and Pooja away from the stage.

Dharma scowled at him, "What did you mean there? We don't have other plans."

"I know. I will explain later," Tapan replied, aware that Maurya was watching them; his stare prickling Tapan on the back of his neck.

Leaving Pooja behind, Tapan asked Dharma, "Would you like to join me for dinner? A friend of mine is throwing a party. Come along," he invited but Dharma declined.

"Just drop me home. I have to go early tomorrow for work."

"You haven't had dinner..." he protested.

"It is alright. I am not hungry anyway."

Tapan did not argue. Quietly, he led her to his car, and to Dharma's relief they drove away swiftly from the ostentatious set up. Tapan realized that by bringing Dharma to the party, he had unknowingly caused her pain. He knew that Dharma was attracted to Maurya and he had wanted to make Maurya jealous. But he should have known that Maurya was not a person who expressed his emotions glaringly. No one knew how Maurya's mind worked. Tapan understood, early in his job that Maurya's brain was a conundrum, a baffling collection of tangled nerves that no one attempted to unravel. Even today, Tapan was not sure whether or not Maurya was envious at the sight of him and Dharma together. However, Tapan perceived that the announcement had distressed Dharma. He had noticed her dismayed reaction.

What a fool he had been! To meddle with Maurya. He should have known better. At least, he could have spared Dharma from the heartache. Sighing, he stole a glance at Dharma. She was unusually quiet.

"I am sorry to have dragged you to the party Dharma."

She shot him a look, "Didn't you want to play mischief?"

"No, I didn't want to hurt you, Dharma. That was never my intention."

"Who said I am hurt?"

Tapan remained quiet, not wanting to add to her woes. Dharma studied his profile thoughtfully, trying to understand his motives.

"You don't like Rashika. Do you?" Dharma asked.

Tapan shrugged, "No, I don't."


"I think she is a misfit in Maurya's life."

Dharma laughed, shaking her head at Tapan's naivety.

"What is so amusing?" he asked

"Don't you hero-worship Maurya?"


"I mean you can't find any greyness in your hero."

"Maurya is not grey," Tapan refuted Dharma's claim.

"If you say so."

"Of course, I say so. What do you know about him? I have worked with Maurya for three years and I can say that I know him better than you," Tapan argued.

"I guess I have nothing to say then. Thanks, Tapan, for the enlightening evening," Dharma's words reminded him that he had reached her house.

"Hey, let us have dinner somewhere quiet. I would like to continue this conversation."

"What about your dinner party?"

"Chuck that. Come on, I will take you to the best restaurant in the city. Your favourite cuisine?" he asked

"Asian, especially Lebanese." Dharma was glad that she was learning quickly to be urbanely refined.

"Good, then I am taking you to the best Lebanese joint."

That night marked a significant change in Dharma's relationship with Tapan. As the hours flew and the night edged to an end, Tapan and Dharma showed no sign of exhausting their topics of interest. They discussed about everything under the sun. Dharma learnt that Tapan had a crush on his art teacher in school and she had been the one who had directed him to recognize his innate talent. Apparently, no one had come close to her in his later years.

Tapan's view of life was completely different from her way of looking at life. They disagreed, argued, and finally, accepted each other's theories. Unlike her, he had a family who showered their love on him. His parents were settled in Gwalior and his elder brother was working in Singapore. His younger sister was interning at a bank in Frankfurt. He stayed in his family house and a maid looked after his necessities. Learning about Dharma's gruelling childhood, Tapan gathered that he had not needed to hanker after anything in life.

Despite their contrary lives, they found a lifelong friend in each other. Reiterating her earlier perception, Dharma found a childlike innocence in Tapan whereas Tapan recognised a survivor in Dharma.

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Yakshagni - An odyssey of unbroken devotion - II